Letters from the Pacific # 64

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Letter # 64

July 29, 1945

Dear Mom,
After another long stretch of not writing I finally broke down and am finally answering your letters. I'm up to my old tricks again and have a pile of unanswered mail. I have 5 letters of yours dated July 6th, 8th, 11th, 13th, and 16th. We've been doing very little flying lately and at the present have 42 missions for a total of 364:00 hours or 96.8 points. I only need 16 hours to finish up and I hope I'll be grounded after I complete. I had hoped to finish this month but they fooled me. At the present time I haven't the faintest idea when I'll finish up and go home.

I was away for a few days again and flew one mission on that trip. Were back in the Philippines again and not in Okinawa as you heard. We'll probably move up there eventually but no one knows when.

We've had quite a bit of rain lately and the natives are planting their rice. The days have been quite hot and the mosquitoes are starting in again at night. I already have about 12 mosquito bites and I hope that I won't get any more.

I just took time out for a slice of bread with peanut butter and grape jelly. I still have some food left and I'm going to use some of it tonight.

I haven't been to Manila to see Manny Feigin yet but I'm going down there right after payday. That will probably be my last splurge before I get home.

That's about all I have to say for the present so I'll say goodbye.

My regards to all

Love Avy

P.S. I'm enclosing two Chinese bills that I want you to keep for me.

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