Letters from the Pacific # 39

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Letter # 39

April 6, 1945 Monday

Dear Mom,
Received your letter of March 19th yesterday and since all you want to do is hear from me, I'm writing another short letter. Nothing of any interest has happened recently.

So far I haven't received any packages except that one I received about three weeks ago. I wish they would arrive because I have nothing to read. I've even taken up chess for lack of anything else to do.

Now here is some good news. My application for promotion is being sent in today and, all things being equal, I'll be wearing silver bars in about a month. I want you to buy me a set of silver bars and put them in an envelope and mail them to me. I don't know if you'll be able to but them or not and is you can't, please find some officer who will do it for you. You may be able to buy them on the basis of this letter.

We've had a little rain in the past few days which helps to keep the dust down. It's still cloudy out and I hope it doesn't rain tonight because I want to go to the movies. I missed last night's show because of the rain.

I'm enclosing some Japanese money which I wish you'd keep for me. This is the real money used in Japan.

That's about all for now so I'll say s'long.

My regards to all

Love Avy

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