Letters from the Pacific # 15

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Letter # 15

January 28, 1945

Dear Mom,
Well, I have nothing to do this afternoon so I thought I'd drop you a few lines.

I'm also enclosing some guerilla money that the Filipinos use. I want you to put these away for me. I'm collecting different kinds of money that I've used wherever I've been. So far I've used our own money, Australian money, Dutch money and now Filipino money. I should have a nice collection when I get home.

Today it rained and the sun has been in and out all day. The rain was in the morning only but everything is still damp. I'm trying to dry out some of the laundry and the inside of the tent looks like our backyard after you washed.

That's all I have to say for now so I'll say goodbye.

My regards to all

Love Avy

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